Apple Ring Jalebi Recipe|| Sweet With Fruit||



Apple is a fruit with a higher nutrient value. So the quote 'An Apple A Day, Keep Doctors Away' became popular. Here is the recipe of Jalebi with the is heavenly fruit Apple for you. Just try!

Ingredients for Apple Jalebi:

  • Chickpea flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Apple - One.
  • Refined Wheat Flour(*RWF) - 1 cup.
  • Jaggery - 1/2th
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Cinnamom - 1 small piece.
  • Sliced Beat - 1.
  • Corn Flour - 2 tsp.
  • Baking Soda - 1/4th.
  • Cream(Desi Ghee -
  • 1 tbsp or as needed.
  • Water as per need.

Method for Apple Jalebi:

  1. Add water and jaggery in a wok, let boil the water till the jaggery starts to dissolving. Add cinnamon, sugar, and sliced beat in the wok. Prepare a medium to thin syrup by adding more water if needed.
  2. To prepare a batter, take *RWF, chickpea flour, cornflour, baking soda with water, and mix well in a bowl. Put aside for rising of the yeast.
  3. Cut the apple in cross-section and remove the central part which contains the seeds.
  4. Dip the apple slices in the batter, fry in the melted hot ghee in the frying pan, then dip in the syrup.

The apple jalebi is ready.

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