Upvasiyo ke liye dahi aloo ki sabji ki recipe Navaratri is a nine-day festival that celebrates the nine forms of Goddess Durga. During this festival, many people observe fasting or vrat for the whole nine days or on some specific days. Fasting or vrat means abstaining from certain foods and eating only those that are allowed as per the vrat rules. One of the most common and delicious dishes that can be prepared for the Navaratri festival upvas vrat thali is dahi aloo ki sabzi. Dahi aloo ki sabzi is a simple and easy dish that is made with boiled potatoes, yogurt, spices, and curry leaves. It is a mildly tangy and creamy dish that goes well with vrat ki roti, samak rice, or Kuttu ka atta. Dahi aloo ki sabzi is also very nutritious and filling, as it provides carbohydrates, protein, calcium, and potassium. Dahi aloo ki sabzi is a perfect dish to enjoy during the Navaratri festival upvas vrat thali, as it is tasty, healthy, and satisfying. Ingredient for Dahi Aloo vegetable: